Tuesday, August 18, 2015

BIP 8/17 livefeed

Last night, I once again missed the new Bachelor in Paradise because I was really busy having a social life. My mother and I had dinner with my brother in Lansing, then we went to Target and strategically shopped using Target’s coupon app. When we realized west Lansing’s Target was out of my size in a particular shirt and pair of shoes, we actually took the time to drive to the Okemos store and look for them there. It was an EXTREMELY eventful evening.

Thank goodness for Amanda’s mom’s Hulu account, since DVR has yet to be introduced in the Bohac household. Livefeed from BIP 8/17


Chris Harrison just called Joe an asshole in the intro lmao

Let’s be real, Julia mostly wants to tell Sam what Joe did to her so that Sam will feel guilty for dating him, not to “save her” from him

“I’m on cloud 9” thx 4 the sensitivity Sam

If Julia didn’t want any drama, I feel like maybe she shouldn’t be on the Bachelor version of The Real World

Tanner is such a good dude. I would date Tanner. Tanner will u accept this rose

Even if that camera wasn’t on Joe and Sam during their ~secret conversation~ their mics are still on lol

It truly is a crazy coincidence that every time someone comes into paradise hoping someone is there, not only are they indeed in paradise but they happen to be romantically involved with the new arrival’s friend! CRAZY!!

Ashley S is straight up ATTACKING Dan whoa

Dan is actually so nice. Stay nice, Dan.

Tenley & Josh and Carly & Kirk are hideous couples

“I went to Cabo one time one spring break” I could’ve guessed that one, JJ

Every time JJ talks about Megan he mentions that she’s blonde ???

“Even though we’re different intellectually”……are you though, JJ?

I would feel bad watching Dan go on that date too…he looks fiiiiiiine

Joe and Samantha weirdly crab cradling in the water is something I could’ve gone without seeing

I don’t know why producers take the time to edit clips to make Clare talk to animals when Ashley S actually does it

When random people on the street start chanting “beso”…..I’m so sure that happened without producers telling them to

Dan is definitely a “double star”

Not sure how Amber forgot about Ashley S when Dan spent a good part of their date talking about her

“He’s the vill of the vills!” !!!!!

“I take personal offense when people fuck with girls’ emotions” hey JJ remember when you cheated on your wife


Why are they talking about their siblings’ intelligence levels? What

Joe was def taking a shot at JJ and Clint’s bromance when he said “you can’t go home with me” lol


That promo gave me heart palpitations


While this episode wasn’t particularly eventful, that promo for the rest of the season really made up for it (Jade and Tanner drama?!?! *cries*). Again, I found 2 things in this episode interesting:

1) The story lines are increasingly relying on social media and interactions between former contestants to stir up drama. I’m not sure whether I like it or not, but the producers sure know what they’re doing. The show formerly depicted a bubble of sorts where there is no contact with the outside world, and each season is separate from another. But hardcore fans know this is not the case; contestants from all seasons are constantly tweeting to each other, have each others’ numbers (as their tweets often indicate), are often seen in public hanging out, etc. I even read somewhere that Carly and Jade are roommates now. Producers are jumping on this instead of sweeping it under the rug; Nick and Kaitlyn reached out to one another in between seasons? Perfect. Sam and Joe knew they’d both be in paradise?? Even better. Ashley I has Kaitlyn’s number and calls her in tears for relationship advice about her ex??? GOLD.

2) We finally learn a bit more about the casting process for BIP. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been wondering why some contestants have been showing up and announcing that they’re hoping a particular contestant out of hundreds of formers will be there. I’m not dumb enough to think it’s coincidence, but I’ve been wondering how exactly this all worked. For example, Joe and Samantha had been talking before filming, so that’s how they knew they’d both been cast. But Michael showed up “hoping” Tenley would be there, even though it was clear they’d never met and he wasn’t sure she would be. Joe and JJ’s confrontation in this episode revealed that producers ask for a list of former contestants they hope to meet in paradise. Producers cast contestants accordingly, and drop them into filming based on the timing of the existing relationships their lists are already in, to create maximum drama. Boom.

At the end of this episode, I mostly am just wondering why they haven’t announced the next Bachelor.

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