Sunday, August 9, 2015

Big week for that time of the month

Just days after disparaging comments Donald Trump made about the GOP debate moderator’s possible menstruation cycle left him uninvited (lol) to the RedStates GOP gathering,  periods are again being talked about in the news. A weird headline about a woman who ran the London marathon without a tampon caught my attention today. The woman, who is famous-ish I guess for drumming for M.I.A., said her period started the night before the marathon and she thought a tampon would be uncomfortable, so she bled freely and used the attention to remind folks that many women in the world don’t have access to feminine hygiene products.

Honestly, I don’t really have strong opinions on this. Women bleed. They always have. I don’t really know why this is still a weird or gross thought to people. And as a female who has done a lot of long distance running, I see where she’s coming from. I’m not sure I would ever go freely, but I’m not sure I’d be mortified if I leaked either (which is mostly because long distance runners are total fucking weirdos about bodily functions….they pretty much poop on a schedule and have no qualms about peeing mid-race. Idk man.) All in all, this story is kind of odd, but not really a big deal either.

Then I saw the comments.

“Women have become brutish, grotesque beasts.”

“The ONLY thing this brings attention to is THE NASTINESS of this female”

“Free pooping and peeing for those who have no toilet paper?”

“A lot of women in the world don't have access to water, food, health care, human rights/freedom, a safe roof over their head... and this is what you chose to advocate? I guess we pick and choose the battles we feel we can win?”

And most importantly

“Who's gonna ride this stinker now? She already had nothing going for her in the looks department.”

These comments aren’t even about me, and they made me cry. Let’s address some things.

Women have been menstruating since the beginning of their existence, and if you think back to waaaay back then, feminine hygiene products hadn’t been invented yet… women haven’t BECOME anything. And btw, you sound kind of brutish yourself.

If this lady is “nasty” for having a period, so is every woman in your life, including your probably non-existent girlfriend and your mom, who couldn’t have birthed you without it. Your mother must be pretty disappointed in how you speak about women :/

While urinating and bowel movements are also bodily functions that you cannot stop, those are not things your body experiences constantly (I hope) for 24 hours a day for 5-7 days, so you get the chance to take care of that on your own time in private. And if we’re talking about costs, don’t you dare try to tell me you can’t find a large pack of toilet paper for $3, while women have to pay 3-6 times that for a small box of TAMPONS. (This is off topic, but can I also complain here how expensive bras are??? Why does it cost so much more to be female this is ridiculous ugh)

You know that whole “Black lives matter” vs. “All lives matter” argument? And the comparison of running through a cancer charity event screaming “Other diseases are bad too!”? Yeah, that’s kind of what saying “Women don’t have access to other things, too” is like. Yes, there are women who don't have access to clean water, food security, shelter, human rights……and these same women typically also don’t have access to female specific hygiene products, so you actually just emphasized this point :-)

And lastly………you don’t want to “ride” this woman now that she’s been bleeding??? Oh the horror!!!!!!! Since you’re clearly a virgin, I have some sad news for you….whatever woman for some reason one day sleeps with you, she will have a period. And that woman (and every woman) serves a purpose on this earth other than to be harassed and have sex with you. And guess what else, you disgusting pervert? No woman wants to “ride” a nasty lil shit like you who thinks it’s appropriate to stick his hand down and pants and scratch his balls in public which, unlike a period, you CAN control.


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