Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekly annoyance review


Top 10 things that have unnecessarily annoyed me this week


1. The football game
Yeah we shut out a ranked team and thus became ranked, yeah yeah, it was great. That was not the annoying part. The intensely annoying part was that for the first time since I’ve been here, the fanny pack I wear on every game day was suddenly deemed not allowed. Look, I know bags aren’t allowed in the stadium. Everyone knows that. HOWEVER
—security has always overlooked it and let it in, even though I’ve made no attempt to hide it
—I had to go to the complete opposite side of the stadium to check my empty bag
—when I attempted to enter the stadium at the gate nearest bag check, I was sent back to where I started
—when I got back to the student gate, I was told I couldn’t come in because my ticket had already been scanned in once today
—the original guy who kicked me out let me back in, but only as the supervisor warned me it’s MY responsibility next time to make sure security signs my ticket if I leave the stadium and need back in
You people suck, and ruined my game day.

2. Armed robbery down the street
Actually, it’s fucking terrifying that this week was the second armed robbery directly around the corner from our apartment this month, but it’s pretty annoying too, because now I have to fear for my life every time I walk home at a relatively late time of night. Sweet.

3. Parking on our street
I parked on the street in front our neighbors’, who, unlike us, have driveway. There definitely wasn’t 4 feet from the front of my car to the edge of their driveway (the minimum before you can get ticketed), but I was more than a foot away and there weren't even any cars in their driveway. Later, I walked out to find 2 cars now parked in the driveway, and a note on my windshield that said “We can’t back out of our driveway with you car parked like this.” Like this? As if I’m parked so horrendously?! As if. If I’m blocking your driveway, how the hell did you fit 2 cars in there since I’ve been parked there?? If you can’t angle your Malibu out of a 5 ft+ wide space, that sounds like your problem, not mine, goodbye.

4. Stupid quiz
I was legitimately so scared for how expansive my prof and GSI made this quiz sound that I skipped a class to study, because I felt I didn't get enough studying in over the weekend. Turns out the quiz was 5 questions, each of which required no more than one word answers, and I knew all the answers from the studying I had completed over the weekend. And I think I was the first one done. Sigh.

5. Rude bitches who don’t know how cars work
Why is this such a problem in Ann Arbor??? On Friday, my friend Hannah and I were turning right on a green light at State and North U, when a girl stepped out into the crosswalk. Hannah stopped in plenty of time and waved her along, while the girl responded by exaggeratedly rolling her eyes and looking directly at us while moving at a snail-like pace through the crosswalk. Earlier that day, my roommate and I were attempting to parallel park her giant ass Yukon in the tiny circle drive of the League. While she was backing up, a girl talking on her phone walked directly into our path and then had the nerve to look directly at us and shout “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!” before stomping her little troll self away. Common sense is hard and all, but I really don't feel bad that they walked into the path of moving vehicles. I kinda just regret not running them over.

6. Having to walk to NQ from SEB in 10 minutes
This is the worst 10 minutes of my week, because
a) it’s the furthest walk for back to back classes I’ve ever had
b) at least 50% of our student population also happens to be walking through the Diag between 4:00 and 4:10
c) Ingalls Mall is STILL CLOSED, so the shortest route isn’t even available
I only have to do this once a week, but it’s truly one time too many.

7. People who try to ride their bike through the Diag between classes
What the fuck is wrong with you??????

8. Diag preacher
To be completely honest, nothing this guy was saying yesterday was more offensive than him standing RIGHT ON THE M in the Diag. Tell me I’m going to hell all you want but you best not disrespect me and this school by stepping your grimy bigot feet on the M!!!!!!

9. The Bachelor filming started
And I’m not currently lounging around a mansion in California, vying for the affection of my one true love, Ben H. Thinking about the filming starting and him meeting all these women who are not me even though I should totally be there PHYSICALLY PAINS ME. I’m caught somewhere between anxiously awaiting the producers to call me up to ambush the middle of the season (a la Nick) and waiting for the season to begin so I can blog/cry about it. If you need an update of how things are going so far, check out the first half of this podcast. If you’re like me, the only part you’ll hear through your tears is “I don’t think he’ll find love on this show.” This gives me hope (but the description of how beautiful the women are does not. 0/10 would not listen to this podcast again because emotions.)

10. Piper Kerman
PIPER KERMAN, aka the woman whose life experiences and memoir inspired “Orange is the New Black” (!!!!!!)  is COMING TO MICHIGAN ON TUESDAY to give a speech and I cannot attend because I’ll be in class. I’ve never wanted to attend one of these things before, and the one time I actually want to is the only time I’m forced to take an evening class?! THIS IS BULLSHIT.

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