Monday, July 18, 2016

The Bachelorette week 6 7/18



Omg Chase is so much cuter in Colorado

Poor Chase and his broken family

I actually love this little mountain date


Wow Chase you can’t raise children in a house that has a staircase without railings!!!!

I’m incredibly attracted to Chase’s face

Why is Chase’s mom wearing a hoodie, this is a bigger occasion than that


Why are Chase and Jojo being so much cuter this episode than they ever have been wow

I’m not saying divorce doesn't have a profound impact on kids but they might be making a bigger deal about this than it should be

Everything Chase’s mom is praising Jojo about are qualities I possess so sign me up for that when Jojo picks Jordan


Why does this feel so real?? This is the Bachelorette

Jordan definitely peaked in high school

Why does Jordan always push Jojo against walls to kiss her?? Her head just hit that library shelf so hard and he had no care about her comfort, what an ass

No Jordan, she’s not the first to meet your family, your ex was. You literally just said that

Jordan’s brother’s girlfriend’s hair: why

Wtf happened with Aaron, someone please spill

Jordan’s dad looks dead

They keep saying how Jordan has “accomplished everything” he has on his own but I’m not sure what they’re referring to

Jordan’s mom just said “destiny” and idk

Jojo: “if” we end up together at the end of this *wink wink*

Robby lookin like a Ken doll per usual

Where the fuck does Robby live that it looks like that

Are they drinking Long Islands 

I don’t believe anything Robby says

Who the fuck calls their dad Coach

“I can’t wait to see her interact with my family because that’s attractive to me” is that some sort of fetish

Why are they drinking out of large tacky cups

Robby’s face is one of pure terror rn

I feel like moms always say “I can tell how much my son/daughter likes you” and it’s just like can u really though

“We had a BLOW UP FIGHT and she SLAPPED me. The relationship is OVER and I will never speak to her AGAIN. PERIOD.” Ok drama

Literally how did Robby save that 

I hate Luke so much

Your family and FIFTY friends????? That is so rude

Why do people from Texas have such strong feelings about Texas? @Liza help me out here

The fact that we’ve been talking throughout the entirety of this date is a testament to how much I don't care about Luke

How is Jojo going to pick between these guys

Why is this music playing? Why did he set up a proposal scene just to say I love you? Why did they spend so much time on Luke? Why do I hate Luke so much? I have so many questions

Shit, 17 minutes left+ 1 commercial break+ confessionals+ a freak out at the rose ceremony….they’re totally going to end this in a to be continued

Can I just say it’s a little dramatic to have the rose ceremony literally at the airport ok

Chase is so fine mmm

Sarah just hissed at the screen with her would be claws up when Luke came on the screen so I think that shows how we feel about him

Robby needs to go (even though I hate Luke)

Excuse me wut

I really don’t think that’s fair to the other contestants to tell her you love her DURING the rose ceremony

Actually in reality Jordan needs to go but I think we know that’s not happening

I feel kind of bad she’s wandering around an airport crying with nowhere to even sit


I’m really confused????

Personally I think Robby needs to go home. His story is just a little too sketchy to be believed. Plus he said I love you in like week 4. Plus he’s obviously gay.

But what’s going on with Luke? I thought her and Luke’s date went fine, then she goes and says she doesn’t want to send him home, then he INTERRUPTS THE ROSE CEREMONY to change her mind and it seems to work? WHAT?

This is really irritating to me. I’m sure if all the other guys could get a moment with Jojo DURING THE CEREMONY to reiterate that they love her, they all would. That was an unfair advantage and primed her before going in to choose. I understand that Luke probably would’ve regretted not telling Jojo he loves her if he had been the one to go home, but he had an entire day with her to do so, so I don’t feel bad. Fuck you, Luke. That wasn’t romantic of you, it was shitty and selfish.

But I’m also surprised she was going to send him home?!? I always said Jojo was at least going to let Luke get to the final 3 so she could have sex with him in the fantasy suite. Trashy but true. I’m a bit confused how when weighing her options between Robby and Luke, Robby came out on top. How did he redeem himself in that conversation in the bedroom?!?! I personally don’t think he said anything that could do that much to reassure Jojo. I know Luke didn’t say I love you during his date, but I’d rather have a guy say it later (and let’s be honest, for a normal relationship, it’s still WAY TOO EARLY) than as early as Robby did. 

And in the grand scheme of things, Jordan’s general sketchiness should disqualify him, too.

Who would’ve thought my man Chase would’ve come out this week not only in the best standing but showing the most emotion too?!?! Cheers to that!

See you next week for the final 3 and the Men Tell All!

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