Monday, March 7, 2016

The Bachelor: Women Tell All (3/7)

Long story short: I neglected a lot of homework while I was in Ireland, and now I’m continuing to ignore it in favor of watching this damn show, so my apologies for the lack of GIFs and fun stuff in this blog but ain't nobody got time for that tonight. True life: the Bachelor is ruining my GPA.


A record number of people said they love him?? Seems like an average amount

I’m like pretty offended Ben has never walked into my house while I’m watching the Bachelor

I love that these men have fantasy leagues with draft board thingies on their wall

Omfg she brought her chicken

Who the fck is Izzy

Olivia’s hair looks so much better

Caila: WOW is he FINE!! HahA :)))))

Shut up Jami no one remembers you

Ben running shirtless oh wow oh my

I’m raging just seeing this Jubilee footage again

Worst quote of any Bachelor season ever? “Ben just wants a wife who will be friends with all the other soccer moms”

Emily/Haley watching herself talk about Olivia’s breath lol

Jennifer: Is she smirking

Sheila the chicken pulling shenanigans tho

Audience robustly booing Leah, also SAVAGE

“Ok Jami you weren’t even there” yeah JAMI

I can’t stand Lauren from Ann Arbor’s Michigan accent….and I’m also from Michigan

Jami we’re only 21 minutes in and you’ve already used up all your time

Ok ok Amber and Jami have some validity on this race stuff

Amber and Jami: you criticized our identity as black women on multiple occasions
Jubilee: wow ok I am feeling very attacked right now

Shushanna’s English is a lot better all of a sudden

Jubilee shakily trying to defend herself is really transparent. Bish u got caught

Nope I’m already done with Jubilee’s act all over again

I forgot how lame Jubilee’s opening line was

Jubilee’s tattoos are bad but so is Ben’s so

Everything Jubilee says is REHEARSED

Chris Harrison: that worked
Key word…worked

“I know you wish you weren’t so complicated…” lmao I am done

Honestly who would take Jubilee serious as a sergeant 

I wish I was as drunk as Lace

“Like my tattoo says, you can’t love someone else until you love yourself” I hope to God it does not actually say this

Wait who would date Lace after this show

I’m not even laughing at this tattooed guy, I’m just weirded out

JUMPING FOR JOY LACE 4 BIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olivia blacked out after walking out of the limo #wine

The twins’ reactions are the best part of this episode

Was Amanda being serious in saying “being a mom is my jam” or was she mocking Olivia? Unclear

That girl in the audience is me

“We like to read books and talk smart things too.”

Olivia: ok I only did what you asked me to stop doing 25% of the time after you asked

Olivia did u get bullied as a child for ur cankles

Caila is even more rehearsed than Jubilee

“I think the problem with Caila is she’s a huge nerd. But not like a smart nerd. So she’s just a loser.”
—Sarah Doyle

Caila: I think I’m just gonna go
Ben: you..SHOULD go…because I just kicked you off

First thing Ben discusses is this chicken

Does anyone else think Ben's tone with Caila is a bit frosty

Bye Leah *dismissed*

Jubilee…do less

So glad Amanda just mentioned Ben’s board shorts

BLOOPERS, amazing

I want a Ben for my own

Oh my god that bathroom conversation oooooo my god


I’m 100% sure that I am 0% sure of who Ben is picking and it’s causing me a huge internal crisis and I can’t focus on real life

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