Monday, September 7, 2015

BIP 9/6 livefeed

Today I had the worst day ever because it was 91 degrees almost all day, I spent at least an hour of my life arguing with Comcast representatives who still didn't come fix my Interest (but said they'd come fix it on Saturday during the game LOL die, Comcast), and had to pay over $100 for my shitty warped up iPhone screen to be fixed. Needless to say, I was very much looking forward to watching both parts of the finale tonight with my BFFL Katie while we continuously bitch about how we made a mega mistake buying our salads at Panera instead of Whole Foods. So much regret.

BIP live feed 9/6


Cannot get over Ashley I requesting a date with Jared before Jaclyn could, so SAVAGE

Everyone is so invested in Ashley losing her virginity?

WOW just realized Ashley I is a year older than Jared

Jared still seems not into it even though it’s the fantasy suite

Jorge is bae

Juelia wearing false eyelashes for all of paradise really is not ok

WAIT does Mikey not really like Juelia

That breakup was so nice coming from Mikey

I wish they’d stop saying Juelia is trying to find a father for her kid on BACHELOR IN PARADISE

Jaclyn’s face is the victim of bad plastic surgery

Why are people hitting up Justin like he should be the least wanted person here

Yet another girl walks in and wants Justin? While Dan is in the same room? I’M NOT SEEING IT

“He’s been on 5 dates in 2 days” Dan is as salty as I am

Katie is an ice skater and just pointed out that Justin’s haircut resembles Dorothy Hamill’s

Jaclyn is just salty but admittedly it’s really weird that all these people have kids

“I think Ashley I is more of a virgin now” yikes


$250,000 can also buy a lot of Botox and hair bleach

That pool looks nice af right now in this 91 degree weather in Ann Arbor

Why would Nick rolling in the sand make anything better for Jaclyn

What happened to Mackenzie?

“Mama’s gotta take her top off” pls never say that again

I am 22 and Sandra is 23 and she’s been engaged and has a child. What

Sam is cold yes but I still wish I was as pretty as her

Fresh-faced Ashley I: so much yes

WUT Jared is leaving early too? Why is everyone just giving up

Oh god don’t make Ashley I cry again

Even though Jared doesn’t love Ashley I they are still so sweet ugh

Nick is a grease ball

My favorite dates are the ones where all they do is eat


Sam looks like a stripper tbh

“In the club high on purp”
—Sam with her drunk eyes

Katie just referred to Sam’s nails as “bitch talons”

Sam is wincing and keeping her mouth as closed as possible as Nick kisses her, as am I while watching it

“You’re my idiot” oh

I would just constantly be taking shots with Jorge in paradise

Tanner’s like “literally everyone besides me and Jade, and Kirk and Carly need to just leave now”

“I grew up here” alright Ashley I except you’re 27 and spent 5 weeks crying

Dan hasn’t even talked to Casandra but is suddenly salty Justin picked her

Everybody’s just dropping like flies

What if Chris Harrison gave Dan’s rose away

Mikey and Mackenzie? Huh

Ashley S’s favorite phrase is “be a man”

So…..we’re stuck with 2 real couples, 2 fake couples, and Tenley and Josh

LOOK at the at Kirk and Carly foreshadowing….I knew it 

Whenever I guess something right on BIP, I feel so smart. I feel so smart watching Kirk talk about dumping Carly.

Tenley feels smart too!

I personally feel that Carly’s laugh is more obnoxious than Kaitlyn’s and you cannot convince me otherwise

Carly’s definitely scared

Feeling bad for Kirk. He seems to legitimately be struggling with this

Carly is saying all the TV breakup lines

Ok she is literally running now

What do you mean what just happened, Kirk, you’re the one who did it

Tanner is always the voice of reason. Even Nick knows Kirk was wrong!!!!

Ok Carly we’ve all had angry breakups but not hearing Kirk out even a little bit is really immature

“You deserve this conversation” “No but YOU DON’T DESERVE THIS CONVERSATION” oh snap she’s kinda got you there Kirk

(Clearly I can’t pick a side in this breakup)

(I just feel really bad for both of them)

Can I just make it clear I don’t give a single fuck about Justin and Casandra because 


Can we just skip to Tanner proposing to Jade? (And does anyone else hope the backup outcome is Josh proposing to Tenley and Tenley rejecting him?)

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